Melissa McKinlay Reappointed To NACo Leadership Post

National Association of Counties (NACo) President Mary Ann Borgeson recently reappointed Palm Beach County Commissioner Melissa McKinlay to a second one-year term as chair of NACo’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Steering Committee.

“I am honored to continue leading NACo’s Agriculture and Rural Affairs Steering Committee,” McKinlay said. “My experience representing the Glades region of Palm Beach County — one of the largest agricultural communities in the country — will continue guiding me as I help counties promote rural interests on the national level. Together, we will work to strengthen the quality and supply of rural housing, bolster broadband infrastructure, provide nutrition assistance, and encourage energy conservation.”

Active in NACo since 2015, McKinlay previously served as vice chair of the NACo Agriculture and Rural Affairs Steering Committee. She has also been active in NACo’s Rural Action Caucus. She has served as president of the Women of NACo Leadership Network and as coordinator for the Next Generation NACo Network. In her leadership role, McKinlay helped to host the NACo 2018