Letter: Children Or Development?

As an environmentalist, mother and taxpaying resident of the Village of Wellington, I have many concerns regarding the ongoing development, particularly the proposed development of the Wellington Green preserves and the proposal by Starwood to add housing to the defunct Nordstrom building.

Both the Nordstrom building and the Axis community, which the builder, Brefrank, wishes to expand on the preserves, are zoned for Elbridge Gale Elementary School, a top-performing STEM school. Elbridge Gale is on the Palm Beach County School District’s Capacity Watch List and is currently at 105 percent of FISH (Florida Inventory of School Houses) capacity. If housing is built in Wellington, parents with school-age children will come. But if zoned for Elbridge Gale, where will they go?

I am wondering how the council (and developers) would suggest additional students be educated at Elbridge Gale, causing overcrowding, while the school maintains educational excellence. There are many considerations of utmost importance, such as class size, additional teachers and support staff, and maintaining superior educational standards and results. Who will provide the resources for the children/school?

There are very real issues to be considered when looking at the proposal to add additional housing in this zone. It is my hope that the council acts in good faith to support their residents’ concerns, put the children of the community at the center, protect the environment and keep Wellington “green.”

Nicole DeFlorio, Wellington