Fellowship Friday Events Nov. 29

The Palm Beach Fellowship of Christians & Jews will host its ninth annual Fellowship Friday on Friday, Nov. 29. The day provides an opportunity for individuals and families to volunteer for community service projects at pre-selected partner locations.

Students will receive credit for community service hours. Participants will receive a Fellowship Friday T-shirt and a refillable water bottle.

Rabbi Michael Resnick, spiritual leader of Temple Emanu El, founded the event.

“It’s a wonderful thing in today’s world to demonstrate that people with incredibly different backgrounds can work together in friendship and with a common purpose,” Resnick said.

Eric Christu is the chairman of the event. The junior committee includes Caroline Christu, Parker Pressly, Aiden Conte and Olivia Buhler-Lieberman.

The day begins with a light breakfast at Temple Emanu-El (190 N. County Road, Palm Beach) from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Volunteer activities begin at 9:30 a.m. and run for two to three hours.

At the breakfast, the fellowship will collect non-perishable food, new toiletries and new, unwrapped toys that will be distributed to local organizations who serve those in need. If you are unable to participate in the volunteer activities, you can drop items off from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. at the synagogue. You can also drop off items in advance at the fellowship office in the Paramount building.

This year’s projects involve volunteering at Big Dog Ranch Rescue, Adopt-A-Family Program Reach, the Levine Jewish Residential & Family Service, Halle Place at the Lord’s Place and a beach cleanup.

Register in advance at www.palmbeachfellowship.net. For more info., call (561) 833-6150.