Palm Beach County Leaders Update Community After Hurricane Threat Passes

Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner, Palm Beach County Fire-Rescue Chief Reginal Duren, Commissioner Mack Bernard, Emergency Manager Bill Johnson and County Administrator Verdenia Baker gave a final update on Hurricane Isaias on Sunday, Aug. 2. They also discussed the continued efforts on the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic during a press conference at the Emergency Operations Center.

County leaders thanked residents for sheltering in place and being prepared during these challenging times. There were reports of a few downed trees and downed power lines from Hurricane Isaias. A total of 194 residents checked into shelters.

Now that the threat of the storm has passed, the Emergency Operations Center will return to a Level 2 in response to the pandemic.

Palm Beach County remains under a State of Emergency for COVID-19. Testing will resume Tuesday, Aug. 4 at the Health Care District of Palm Beach County testing sites. The county is consulting with the state for new types of testing options.

The Combat COVID smartphone app, which can identify thru Bluetooth technology if you have been potentially exposed to COVID-19, is now available and free to download in both Apple and Google play.

County operations will resume Monday, Aug. 3, but offices have modified operations due to COVID-19, so check with the agency you are dealing with. Palm Tran will resume operations on Monday.

The COVID Education & Compliance Team will be increasing activity in the next few weeks to ensure businesses and patrons are not complacent. Masks and social distancing remain mandatory, and people are asked to avoid large gatherings.

See video from the press conference below: