Royal Palm Council Approves Change To Cypress Key Site Plan

The Royal Palm Beach Village Council approved a site plan modification on Thursday, Aug. 20 for a 1.56-acre parcel at the 35.23-acre Cypress Key mixed use development from day care to medical professional office space, over the objections of some nearby homeowners.

Cypress Key, located at Southern Blvd. and Cypress Head Avenue, just east of Crestwood Blvd., has 147 residential units consisting of 23 single-family homes and 124 townhomes, which are built and largely occupied, and 124,600 square feet of commercial uses that are currently under construction.

Rows of townhomes are across the street from the parcel in question, located at the inside corner of the entryway to the commercial center. The parcel’s entryway faces the townhomes.

Royal Palm Beach Planning Director Bradford O’Brien said the applicant is looking to convert the approved 210-student daycare center to a 12,100-square-foot medical professional office with a reduction of 400 square feet. The parking lot has been adjusted to accommodate the proposed building, opposite an entryway to the townhomes.

“The parking lot and access driveway have been revised to address the new east-end building,” he said, adding that the Royal Palm Beach Planning & Zoning Commission and staff had recommended approval with the condition that the applicant make contact with the homeowners’ association in attempt to alleviate concerns over the relocation of the access drive.

Park Central of Cypress Key Homeowners’ Association President Ethan Mann said a number of residents were concerned about an increase in traffic on Park Central in front of their townhomes where children play.

“Instead of the east-west section of Park Central, a better location would be on the north-south section of Park Central that has direct access to Southern Blvd.,” he said.

Village Manager Ray Liggins said Cypress Key is a mixed-use development that had been planned simultaneously with commercial and residential uses.

“The roadways are private roadways that are owned by the association with a cost sharing between the commercial and the residential property owners for their maintenance,” Liggins said. “The concept by the developer was for there to be a signal at State Road 80 [Southern Blvd.] and the main entrance. That is why that roadway is designed with minimal driveways.”

Liggins added that there are sidewalks along Park Central, as well as parking along the east-west route, but it is not a safe place for children to play. The townhomes have central play areas away from traffic.

“Anywhere in the roadway is not a safe place to play at all, mainly because of the [traffic] volume that is anticipated,” he said, adding that he felt the village has an obligation to allow the developer to finish the site plan because it had been approved with a light at Southern Blvd. and Park Central by the Florida Department of Transportation on the assumption that it would generate enough trips to warrant the light.

Vice Mayor Jeff Hmara made a motion to approve the site plan modification, which carried 5-0.


  1. When there is a lot of traffic, sidewalks can be a great solution. Not too many sidewalks in Florida. No point in having a lane in the road. Real estate values might even go up because it seems the common sense approach to have sidewalks when there is a lot of traffic and homes.

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