ITID To Start Implementing New Plan For Roads In 2021

The Indian Trail Improvement District will see the first phase of implementation for its new mobility plan in 2021 after the ITID Board of Supervisors approved it in December.

The plan will begin with the installation of speed tables at many locations that do not have traffic calming, followed by the replacement of existing speed bumps with more vehicle-friendly but equally effective Seminole speed tables.

“We’re looking to implement it in fiscal year 2021, which will be calendar year 2021 now, and into fiscal year 2022, so the project would be done in calendar year 2022,” ITID Executive Director Burgess Hanson told the Town-Crier.

In addition to speed tables, the project will also identify roads that need resurfacing that were part of the R-2 Road Plan, as well as paving 140th Avenue North from Orange Blvd. south to where it dead-ends near Acreage Community Park’s southern expansion. The district is also looking at resurfacing Tangerine Blvd. from Avocado Blvd. to 140th Avenue North, as well as some other roads, Hanson said.

Also on the 2021 agenda, ITID is looking at a plan to place millings on dirt roads, which was presented to the board in December as a cost-saving measure in materials and maintenance.

“Depending on what the board decides, that could take seven years or 15 years, with our current staffing and our annual budgetary levels for milling and road rock,” Hanson said. “The goal here is to have no unimproved, dirt roads.”

However, if 51 percent of residents on dirt roads do not want their roads improved, they will be able to opt out, he noted.

ITID staff is also looking at updating its parks by gauging what the community and board want. This includes an updated park plan that looks at all the different ITID parks throughout The Acreage, with the exception of Acreage Community Park, which already has a master plan in place.

“We want to put in some better fields at those parks so that neighborhood kids or even the parks and recreation department staff can go out and have pickup flag football or soccer — things that are not organized like what the Acreage Athletic League provides,” Hanson said.

ITID also plans to continue extensive work on swales, as it has over the past year to improve drainage.

“When we go in to do road retros, we will also do swales,” he said. “We are going out to bid for mowing of our road frontage swales to determine if it’s more cost effective to have a contractor come through and do it.”

In-house mowing crews in turn will then focus more on canal easements to get them under control.

“We’ve been playing catch-up on that since I got here,” Hanson said.

Finally, district staff is also looking at reformatting its budget process so that it is more easily understandable for the public and the board.

“We’re going to be working on that over the next six months to start to implement for fiscal year 2022,” Hanson said.


  1. Please place millings on 61st street north, it would be so amazing to be able to go to my mail box without getting my wheelchair stuck in sand/dirt hole/mud as that i am a c5 c6 quadriplegic confined to power wheelchair since 1973, with no mail problems till now and i wont have to use my old 1999 Econoline van, i keep my newer vmi nothstar van in the garage because the dirt road cakes up the mud into the lift and kneeling system causing damage, but the good news is i call where i live the sweet spot of the Acreage and consider myself lucky to own a home here, oh yea and wont spend so much time at the car wash

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