Garden Club Meeting To Feature Presentation On Japanese Art Of Flower Arranging

An Ikebana flower arrangement.

The Wellington Garden Club will meet Monday, April 5 at 9 a.m. in the Lakeview Room at the Wellington Community Center. A brief business meeting will be followed by a presentation on Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, by Kathy Jones, who teaches Ikebana at the Morikami Museum in Delray Beach.

Jones was chosen in 1988 to participate in a year-long study program sponsored by the Florida Cultural Education Department. She studied under Atsuko Lecourte who, before moving to Florida, was selected by the Ikebana Headquarters in Kyoto, Japan to create and develop Ikebana chapters in the greater New York area.

Since 1990, Jones served as an officer in various capacities for the Ikenobo/Ikebana Chapter of South Florida. She studied Ikebana in Kyoto and has organized symposiums for Kado masters visiting Florida. She achieved special teacher membership status and conducts workshops, programs and demonstrations in the art of Ikebana. Accompanying Jones will be the master Ikebana sensei Kaoru Vrana.

To attend the club’s meeting as a guest, RSVP to President Jan Seagrave at (561) 793-1697.

Wellington Garden Club is a nonprofit organization that has been serving Wellington area communities since 1981. For more information, visit visit