Lacrosse Hall Of Famer Casey Powell Meets Wellington Wolfpack

Casey Powell with members of the Wellington Wolfpack.

The young players of the Wellington Wolfpack were able to meet and work with Hall of Famer Casey Powell at Wellington’s Village Park on Thursday, Jan 20. Powell provided a free skills clinic to the Wellington lacrosse league’s U12 and U14 teams, and he covered everything from passing and footwork to what it truly means to play with heart.

Powell is the most decorated lacrosse player of all time and recently opened the Casey Powell Lacrosse Academy in Palm Beach County.

“What I wanted to do was provide a positive, inspiring atmosphere for lacrosse players to come not only from South Florida, but to come from around the country and have an opportunity to train in a great environment,” Powell said. “I developed my game in my backyard, and what I want to try to create is a backyard mentality, where kids can have fun and the freedom to innovate — to try new things and work on their weaknesses with high-level coaching. Every Wednesday, we are going to come out here to Wellington.”

To learn more about Wellington’s youth lacrosse program, visit or e-mail Players of any experience level are welcome to join the league, open to girls and boys ages 4 to 14 years old.

For more information about the Casey Powell Lacrosse Academy, visit