Basketball Turkey Shootout Nov. 12 At Gaines Park

Youth One Studio, a multi-media marketing service in West Palm Beach, recently announced the “Youth One Studio Basketball Turkey Shoot Out” on Saturday, Nov. 12 at Gaines Park in West Palm Beach.

The two owners of One Youth Studio, Reggie Parson and Marcus Gaskin, grew up in the area and want to give back to their community.

“This is a great opportunity for us,” Parson said. “This will be a great day for all, young and old, to come out and have fun, get a bite to eat, listen to music and shoot some hoops — all for free.”

The Turkey Shoot Out will consist of a family and individual free-throw contest, a three-point contest, a turkey sack race and a turkey egg hunt.

Participants must be registered for all events. Each winner will receive a free turkey with all the trimmings.

There will also be a Gift Card Raffle ($25). Everyone in attendance will receive a free raffle ticket. Finally, there will be a Turkey Drawing. There will be 100 turkeys given to everyone registered. There are only 100 slots available, so sign up early.

“With this being our first Thanksgiving event, we are hoping to make it a huge success, as we want it to become an annual event for the people of the community,” Gaskin said. “We do have other events and collaborations we are considering for the upcoming New Year.”

In-person registration is 10 to 11 a.m.; all events start at noon. Those who may be interested in helping with volunteering, in-kind donations or a sponsorship, can receive additional information by calling Reggie Parson at (561) 614-9259 or Marcus Gaskin at (561) 891-6274, or send an e-mail to