Foundation, Village Team Up To Keep Wellington Students Safe

(Front row) Wellington Community Services Director Paulette Edwards receives a check from WCF Chair Barry Manning; (back row) WCF Board Member Dr. Gordon Johnson, WCF Secretary Terri Kane, Assistant Village Manager Ed De La Vega, WCF Vice Chair Jim Sackett, Village Manager Jim Barnes, and WCF board members Don Gross, Maggie Zeller and Bob Margolis.

The Village of Wellington, in collaboration with the Wellington Community Foundation’s Board of Directors, showcased its ongoing programs and proposed future projects during the “Building A Stronger Foundation” meeting held Monday, May 1.

Wellington Village Manager Jim Barnes and his staff delivered an informative presentation to the board, highlighting their current collaborative efforts and introducing potential initiatives for consideration in 2024.

One of the primary requests made by the village was funding for sponsorships of the annual out-of-school camps. This funding is intended to support four distinct camps (Spring, Summer, Thanksgiving and Winter) that cater to the community’s children. Recognizing the importance of providing opportunities for children whose families may not have the financial means to afford out-of-school care, the Village of Wellington has taken proactive measures to ensure their well-being.

Community Services Director Paulette Edwards emphasized the village’s commitment to nurturing its youth. “The Village of Wellington understands that it truly does take a village to raise our kids,” she said.

By offering all-inclusive camps, the village aims to create a safe and enriching environment for children who would otherwise be at home alone or under the care of older siblings. Each out-of-school camp is designed to accommodate 25 students, fostering a sense of community and promoting positive social interactions.

The funding request for the out-of-school camps is just one of the seven initiatives approved by the WCF board for the 2023 calendar year. The village staff, in close collaboration with the foundation board, is dedicated to improving the lives of Wellington’s seniors, children and veterans in need.

To learn more about the foundation and its initiatives, visit