Wellington Community Foundation Volunteers Team Up For Adopt-A-Street Cleaning

(L-R) Barry Manning, Bob Margolis, Jim Sackett, James Seder, Don Gross, and Joanna and Ben Boynton at the WCF cleanup event.

On Saturday, April 22, several volunteers from the Wellington Community Foundation gathered at the Wellington branch library to coordinate their efforts on the group’s quarterly Adopt-A-Street Clean Up Day. The Wellington Community Foundation has adopted the east and west roadways along Forest Hill Blvd. from South Shore Blvd. to Stribling Way and agreed to conduct cleanup days four times per year as part of the program.

The Adopt-A-Street program, which began back in the 1990s, allows residents to get involved and help keep the community looking great. Individuals, organizations and businesses commit to cleaning up their areas at least four times a year. By taking responsibility for keeping these streets clean, residents contribute to making Wellington a more beautiful place to live.

“The Wellington Community Foundation Board of Directors agreed to sign up for the Adopt-A-Street program in 2016 as a way to give back to the community,” WCF Chair Barry Manning said. “The foundation is a charitable organization committed to benefiting the residents by supporting and improving their quality of life. This program is just one of the many ways that the foundation works to make a difference in the community.”

Although village employees do a great job picking up trash on the streets all the time, volunteers were surprised by some of the trash found along the roadway.

“We are proud to be part of the Adopt-A-Street program and contribute to keeping Wellington beautiful,” WCF Vice Chair Jim Sackett said. “Our volunteers are dedicated to making a difference in the community, and we encourage others to get involved and help out.”

The Wellington Community Foundation is a charitable organization committed to benefiting the residents by supporting and improving their quality of life.

The foundation’s mission is to support and enhance the Wellington community by promoting charitable giving, creating partnerships and engaging in community outreach.

The Wellington Community Foundation encourages residents to learn more about the foundation and how they can become involved. Learn more at www.wellingtoncommunityfoundation.org.