Letter: A New Plan For K-Park

This week’s K-Park meeting was a disaster; but much of it was well received, while other components were rejected summarily. There may be components that would appeal to a lot of the citizens of Wellington.

Some of the components that most of the attendees liked were: the botanical gardens, quality restaurants, passive corridor/outdoor plazas, wedding pavilions, fountains, a trolley, green space, a movie theatre and a bowling alley with café.

Components that should be removed include a gas station, hotel, retail stores and four-story parking,

Possible units to be maintained: 48 villas and three-story senior living (250 units), both of which are in the back of the project, and retail components that would be convenient and specialized.

New ideas: Waterways in the botanical gardens, with water trails that could be navigated with kayaks. Exercised trails with stop places for additional stretch and strength exercises.

These ideas would give Wellington a new and unique “park,” that would not be limited to residents. It would be open to all. It would be appealing to youthful citizens, active adults and senior citizens.

I am sure our residents will come up with additional ideas. Let’s get it started and develop a unique facility.

Morley Alperstein, Wellington


  1. The Wellington Gardens K-Park plan enjoyed some popular support, the result of slick advertising, and an expensive interactive promotional website with narrowly worded questions. The other developers were left at the starting gate, no matter how appealing their plans might have been with similar promotion.
    The entire Wellington populace should demand input into this mega development in our community. Many, like myself, are seriously questioning the very feasibility of any ambitious, overwhelming vision for K-Park. I know that it’s not what I moved here for, 20 years ago. Public speakers at the Council meeting emphasized that the area is already traffic congested, (I am forced to use the 441/Stribling intersection daily) and they’re already experiencing 441 development nearby, plus the construction of a new Lennar Community. These projects are alarmingly close to their residential properties, in very nice developments.
    All of us expect to be protected by our elected officials from a Broward type build out. The future of K-Park has been debated for years. But thankfully, it is still a pristine property, in these days of pave over everything. Over the years, elected officials and Village staff have worked hard to try to find solutions. It’s an ongoing process. There will always be controversy, it’s the nature of the beast. But let’s not be dazzled by any developer’s dreams, and squander its value too quickly. And certainly not without the input of the entire community, preferably at the ballot box.

  2. I wholeheartedly disagree with the idea to remove retailers, garages, and the hotel from the project. These are the very components that make the project viable.
    First off, you need parking decks that are hidden away and dressed in the back or core of the development, so people have a place to park for o e, but it saves yyoumany acres of land. Land that we would rather use as park space and garages. You can park 120 cars per acre roughly. So using 2 acres instead of 10 acres is something that is good. 4 story parking decks is much less in height than the parking deck at the Wellington regional medical center down the road.
    Secondly, retail. How else do you think a privately funded, non taxpayer project actually pays for maintaining the site? People have to come to a “destination”, spend money and use the area. Developers don’t hand out $20 million to create a free botanical garden which also costs millions. Of course retails nd restaurants would be included, and many people actually want that.
    Thirdly, having a beautique hotel, built with nice, integrated architecture is a must. Where do you expect out of towners to stay at a destination? Would it not be nice for residents to be able to have a wedding in town? Having a hotel built and integrated into the la escaped garden environment is unique and functional. It is only 4 floors? Too small in my opinion.
    Regarding senior living. I think it should be limited to 100 units. This is public land, not special interest land. They should not take advantage of people good graces, and the development should not discriminate based on age alone. The retail should have apt. On top like in CityPlace. It keeps the area safe and active 24 hrs. Believe me, you don’t want an empty 70 acres abandoned daily when you walk through at night. The main Central Blvd should be lit and accessible.

    Please join “K Park Wellington” on Facebook.

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