Area PCAHU Members Attend State Conference

Local Palm Coast Association of Health Underwriters members represented PCAHU Jan. 14-15 at the Florida Association of Health Underwriters state conference.

In attendance were President Beverly Kingsley, President-Elect Debbie Hollister, First Vice President Steve Israel, Second Vice President Keith Jordano, Legislative Chair Julian Lago and Member Silvia Garcia.

These Florida health insurance agents went to Tallahassee to speak with Florida legislators regarding “PPACA Exchange, Navigators and the Real Coast of Healthcare.”

Even though Florida will most likely not have its own state exchange in 2014, FAHU is eager to work with legislators on the construction of an exchange, whether through existing vehicles or creating something new. Navigators should be licensed and regulated by the Office of Insurance Regulation. FAHU would like to see Florida take its own steps to address the problem of affordable quality health insurance coverage.

“These two days spent speaking with our legislators was very encouraging because they truly want what is best for the people in Florida,” Kingsley said.

Members of PCAHU participate in local, state and federal legislative and public policy development that is of mutual interest to its clients, the consuming public, its membership, and the greater health and disability benefits community. For info., visit