I cannot sit by and not stand up for Councilwoman Martha Webster, who has served the residents of Royal Palm Beach with dignity for the past five years. I admire her forging ahead to be an active member of any and all organizations that benefit the village. She understands that we are a part of this region, and that we must all work together. The success of the State Road 7 outpouring of support was because she worked with area municipalities and our chamber to activate community participation. For her opponent to say that she is anything but a positive consensus builder is simply proven false.
She has had the good grace to act respectfully toward her peers and the public who come before the council. She continues to carry on with the business of the village; even when this past year the mayor, acting from the dais, and [her challenger Dave] Swift, pushing from the council floor, went on a year of personal attacks. Now Mr. Swift comes forward and very clearly states that his platform is a personal vendetta against Mrs. Webster. This is an appalling motive to run for elected office and certainly does not serve the residents, who deserve much better.
The village has been served well by her professionalism and passion in representing the citizens. As a woman, she brings a diverse perspective to our issues. She has been endorsed by former Councilwoman Carmela Starace, who worked with Mr. Swift for many years, yet chose not to support him. I value her opinion and believe that Councilwoman Webster has served us very well. I will vote for Martha this coming Tuesday and urge every voter in Royal Palm Beach to do the same.
Marcia Berwick, Royal Palm Beach