Wellington Honors Amateur Radio Week

Because the Internet, cell phones, e-mail and modern communications all require wire, towers, fiber-optic cable or countless small batteries, communication is threatened when disaster strikes. But not radio amateurs. They use just the airwaves.

When infrastructure fails or is overloaded, the one consistent service that has never failed is amateur radio. That’s why Wellington has recognized the third week in June as “Amateur Radio Week.”

On June 22-23, volunteers from the Wellington Radio Club will take to the airwaves to join tens of thousands of other amateur radio operators in practicing emergency communications skills and testing their equipment. The weekend is called Field Day, and it is when a national emergency preparedness exercise unfolds.

The Wellington Radio Club will set up temporary generators, shortwave radio stations and antennas to connect with thousands of other emergency-powered sites throughout North America.

Club members invite the public to come and see ham radio’s new capabilities and learn how to get their own FCC radio license before the next disaster strikes. The location is Village Park Pavilion 3, located at 11700 Pierson Road, Wellington.

To learn more about amateur radio, visit the Wellington Radio Club web site at www.qsl.net/k4wrc or www.emergency-radio.org.