Letter: No More Money For Bad Policies

Palm Beach County is infamous as “Corruption County,” so county residents wisely established official public consensus for comprehensive land use policies like “no major roads shall bisect Rural and Exurban Tier communities” to legally protect the environment, residents and communities from county government. This had never been done before.

But special interests, like Minto and consultants, make the most money with the biggest, not the best, projects, so negotiating with public officials, the legal voice of the public, to exceed public policy on county population growth killed the residents’ legal protection from bad government.

It also means taxation without representation. Government doesn’t have money, only other people’s money (taxes), and county taxpayers had official policies that limited politicians to only use taxes for infrastructure (schools, roads, libraries, fire-rescue, police protection, etc.) on fiscally responsible Smart Growth, not Browardization.

But on Nov. 8, “Flori-duh” politicians who failed to use taxes to maintain existing schools and other infrastructure, but overpopulated vacant land, are asking taxpayers for re-election and billions of extra tax dollars for the “infrastructure deficit” they created?

Please elect Betty Argue and Gary Dunkley to represent the Indian Trail Improvement District and vote NO on the county sales tax hike.

Rita Miller, The Acreage