The Royal Palm Beach High School Wildcat Dancers Dance Team, under the direction of master choreographer Michele Blecher, competed in the Legacy Dance Championships held Feb. 17-18 in Broward County, taking home multiple awards. Jasmine Hoffman brought home the Solo Elite Gold, Judges Specialty Award and First Place Overall Grand Champion. Zahara Cummings and Angelica Walker brought home the Duet-Elite Gold and First Place Overall Grand Champion. The Senior Large Group Ensemble brought home the Platinum Award and First Place Overall Grand Champion. In addition to these top awards, Wildcat dancers brought home several other honors. Shown above are team members (front row) Tyra Gordon and Jasmine Hoffman, and (back row) Jasmine Sanvil, Jazmine Rivera, Isis Ambroise, Angelica Walker, Zahra Cummings, Angelina Fernandez, Diandra McFarlane and Zafiro Paredes.