Letter: Lions Club Scholarship

Every year the Wellington Lions Club sets aside $2,000 to be given to graduating students at our two local high schools. The schools are Wellington High School and Palm Beach Central High School. We contact the schools by phone and e-mail. We attempt to contact all of the school’s guidance counselors, and the principal if necessary.

Each year, we get a response from Wellington High School, but most years, nothing from Palm Beach Central. This is after repeated calls and e-mails to the counselors and the principal. The end result is that in several years, we gave two scholarships to students at Wellington High School and nothing to students at Palm Beach Central. We’re doing that again this year.

I think the parents should know about this, since I’m sure that some students at Palm Beach Central could use the money, and this isn’t fair to them.

Charles Borg, President, West Palm Beach/Wellington Lions Club