State Grades Give PBC School District ‘A’ Rating

The School District of Palm Beach County is an A-rated district and has the highest number of district-operated “A” schools when compared with other large urban school districts.

According to preliminary school grades released Wednesday by the Florida Department of Education, the district ranks highest in Florida on total number of points earned when compared with other large urban districts.

The district also was highest among its peer districts in math achievement, science achievement, math learning gains for all students and the high school graduation rate.

Overall, 71 district-operated schools earned “A” grades from the state and 36 district-operated schools earned “B” grades. Sixty-five percent of all district-operated schools can boast A and B ratings — a 4 percentage point increase from the 2016-17 school year.

Thirty-one schools improved their rating by at least one letter grade. Two schools — Pine Jog Elementary School and West Riviera Elementary School — improved by two letter grades. Pine Jog improved from a C to an A, while West Riviera improved from a D to a B.

“Our district’s A rating is due to the hard work and dedication of Palm Beach County’s teachers, staff and students,” Superintendent Dr. Donald E. Fennoy II said. “We also know that the support of our parents and community play a large role in our success, and we truly appreciate the involvement of our families and community partners in making us Florida’s highest performing large school district.”

Nine schools improved to an A, including: Crystal Lakes Elementary School, Forest Hill Elementary School, Greenacres Elementary School, H.L. Johnson Elementary School, New Horizons Elementary School, Palm Beach Central High School, Palm Beach Gardens Elementary School, Pine Jog Elementary School and Wellington Elementary School.

Student performance on the Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) provides the foundation for state grades, based on a school grading system adopted by the Florida Board of Education. Districts and schools are rated “A” through “F” based on a percentage of points earned.