‘You Can’t Take It With You’ On Stage At SRHS

The Seminole Ridge High School Drama Department will present Hart and Kaufman’s delightful comedy You Can’t Take It With You on stage Oct. 11, 12 and 13 at 7 p.m.

You Can’t Take It With You is a batty reflection on the madness of sanity in a mad world, and it remains as insightful and delightful as when it first graced the stage.

It’s a heartfelt comedy that resonates with a 21st century audience in need of a laugh.

Tony, the attractive young son of the unhappily affluent Kirbys, falls in love with Alice Sycamore and brings his parents to dine at her joyous, quirky home, on the wrong evening.

In a house where you do as you like, no questions asked, they encounter the open circle of Sycamore family and friends — novel novelist, devoted dancer, ballet master, ex-grand duchess waitress, amateur printer, tax evaders, society shirkers and free thinkers — and the evening explodes into hysterical, and all-too-real, fireworks.

The comedy, though written in 1930, is still relevant today with its slapstick farce and play on words. Hilarious sight gags and true vaudevillian humor will delight audiences of all ages.

Tickets are available at the door or by visiting www.srchs.booktix.com.