Genbu-Kai Karate Awards New Black Belts

Kobudo Advancements: (L-R) Mike Simms, Eugene Ryzhikov, Sensei Keith Moore and Lester Vazquez.

Genbu-Kai Karate recently announced the advancement of 10 students to different levels of black belt ranks in the disciplines of Genbu-Kai Karate, Kobudo (Okinawan weapons) and Batto-Do (Japanese sword).

Gordon Webber tested during Demura Shihan’s October 2017 Florida visit, while the rest traveled to Santa Ana, Calif., earlier this year to test. All tested under the observance of Chief Instructor Shihan Fumio Demura.

Rank advancements were presented during the annual Genbu-Kai awards banquet held at the Pirate’s Well event hall in Royal Palm Beach.

All rank advancements were presented directly from Demura Shihan.

Karate advancements include: Mike Simms, Eugene Ryzhikov and Roy White, all receiving the rank of Shodan (first degree black belt).

Kobudo advancements include: Mike Simms and Eugene Ryzhikov (second degree black belt), and Lester Vazquez (first degree black belt).

Batto-Do advancements include: Mike Simms, Eugene Ryzhikov and Lester Vazquez (second degree black belt), and Gordon Webber (first degree black belt).

Kobudo is the Okinawan art of practicing with weapons which were created from farming tools, while Batto-Do is the art of cutting with the Japanese katana.

Genbu-Kai Karate is located in the Wellington Marketplace. For more information on classes, call (561) 804-1002 or visit