County Preparing Phase 2 Plan To Present To Commissioners

On Tuesday, Aug. 25, the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners directed County Administrator Verdenia Baker to prepare a Phase 2 re-opening plan to present to the board on Tuesday, Sept. 1 at a regularly scheduled meeting. In accordance with direction from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, the plan is being prepared with input from county administration, emergency management and other county departments and stakeholders.

Details of the plan will be finalized over the weekend in anticipation of the meeting Tuesday. A copy of the plan will be available as part of the meeting agenda, which can be found here. The backup material related to the final agenda will be posted no later than Tuesday morning before the meeting.

Palm Beach County Mayor Dave Kerner expects a healthy discussion on Tuesday.

“As our numbers continue to remain at acceptable levels, the discussion about Phase 2 makes sense,” he said. “All seven members of the board will have input as it relates to the presented plan, and it is our job to take in all the information and come to a consensus of the best path forward for our residents.”

On Thursday, Baker issued Emergency Order 21, which opened up more recreational activities, including playgrounds, to residents. The playgrounds will have enhanced cleaning and signage to allow for the safest use possible. Water play areas, volleyball courts, skate parks and adult leagues are now permissible with guidelines. Details on the order can be found here.

Due to social distancing restrictions, seating within the commission chambers is limited to 50 persons. The atrium area outside is available for up to 15 people. The meeting will be available on Channel 20, on and social media. To submit an online comment to the board, use the link provided here. Online comments will be provided to the board and submitted into the record. In-person public comment on agenda items requires a comment card to be turned in to the meeting clerk before the agenda item starts.