Gannon Asks Residents To Check For Unclaimed Funds

Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne Gannon.

Palm Beach County Tax Collector Anne M. Gannon encourages county residents to visit the tax collector’s web site,, and check the unclaimed funds section to see if they have any unclaimed funds waiting for them.

“Some clients overpay their transactions, and once this happens, we issue a refund for the amount overpaid. If the refund goes undelivered, we continue to attempt to issue the refund,” Gannon said. “Once several unsuccessful attempts have been made, and after we have explored all refund options, we publish a list of unclaimed funds on our web site hoping that clients will reclaim the money due to them. We hold onto these for one year, and if the funds remain unclaimed, we forward those funds to the appropriate state of last known address.”

There is currently more than $700,000 in unclaimed funds available, and information can be found at and at the state’s

When looking at the document on a desktop, press the keys Ctrl + f (Command + f for Mac users) and it will open a search bar in the document where you can search for your name. Different web browsers will bring the search bar up in various locations. In Firefox, the search bar is in the bottom left corner. In Chrome, it is in the top right corner, and if you are searching in Safari, the search bar will be in the top right.

If you don’t find your name in the current list of unclaimed funds, you can check back again, as the list is updated throughout the year.