Letter: Stop Clearing Wellington Easements

You may be aware that the Village of Wellington is back to clear-cutting their right of way around canals. As residents who enjoy their back yard a lot, my family and I find this unacceptable.

I understand that there are legitimate reasons for managing this area, but I was informed that for anything 25 feet from the canal, expect that items on our personal property will be removed.

There are several things wrong with this:

1. The notification method was completely insensitive. A one sentence letter stating that they were clearing the right of way with a phone number. A little bit of explanation would have gone a long way.

2. Residents care for, enjoy and maintain this area. That should be considered and respected.

3. There is no consideration to even try to keep trees or manage them; just to completely remove everything.

4. Trees actually help keep the banks stable. Removing trees makes the banks less stable. (Third-grade geology.)

5. Has the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers been consulted on this? They may need to weigh-in on this and provide approval.

I thought we lived in a “tree city.” That is one of the things we love about Wellington, the trees! When you drive down a street, one thing that sets a nice neighborhood apart from a bad one is large trees. This action will devalue our homes.

I know that Wellington has gone through this before, and it has always been met with a lot of resistance. I’m asking residents to call and write their council members and explain why they don’t want this, and that they will not be voted in again if they keep up this arrogant behavior.

Also, I understand that the mayor has made special consideration for one of his neighbors. I think there should be a lot more consideration for all of his neighbors.

The village council meets Tuesday, May 26. I’ll be there with many neighbors. Please help get the word out.

Gabriel Goldstein, Wellington


  1. First, I’d like to thank the editor for publishing my letter. Second, I’d like to make a correction that the second paragraph should state, “except items on our personal property, will be removed.”

    Jack, I don’t know the detailed position of every council person, however I’ve spoken to Anne Gerwig and she supports a more conservative approach as to only remove items that are absolutely necessary.

    My understanding it is that Public Works who executes these plans. They have had the bedside manner of a wet paper towel. However the council (collectively by voting) has given the marching orders.

    I also received a notice that there will be a meeting May 27th to discuss.

    • Thank you Gabriel for your follow up!! Yes, Council Women Anne Gerwig is the most responsive member of the Village Council to the residents of Wellington in all situations. She has an incredible understanding for both the practical and technical view and understands the balance very well between equestrian and non-equestrian residents. Please continue to get the word out regarding the meeting as this will effect many residents in the future.

  2. Gabriel, While I am completely in agreement with your letter, I wonder if you could be more specific as to whom you are referring too as exhibiting “arrogant behavior”? I personally do not feel that the entire council is exhibiting this behavior, only two or three… perhaps?

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