Letter: Time For Change In Wellington

The recent Wellington elections were not for me; I am a resident of Royal Palm Beach. However, I have followed the news and letters to the editor about it in the Palm Beach Post and Town-Crier. I also have friends and acquaintances in Wellington and have heard some of their concerns…

After reading, quite thoroughly, last week’s Town-Crier, starting with page 1, I have the following comments to make.

I read your recommendations for mayor and council. According to your comments, you support Bowen, primarily, because of the opposition to the commercial development at the proposed Equestrian Preserve development — at least that is the main reason given as I read your remarks. You appear to agree with Margolis on many other points.

I read the articles about the two mayoral candidates on page 7. Mayor Bowen downplays any interest and involvement in the commercial development at the proposed Equestrian Center — initially — then expresses support. If he has no “interest” then why reactivate his real estate license (as I’ve been told), unless he expects to lose the election and is looking to a new career?

I then read the Margolis article. He addresses all of his concerns — and there are many — from a different point of view than Bowen; the Equestrian Preserve development is barely mentioned. His previous experience on the council gives him a unique perspective, and he seems genuinely concerned about Wellington. Bowen, by contrast, seems to be concerned with downplaying those concerns: “look what a great job we are doing.”

As an outside observer, it seems like there has been a lot to be concerned about regarding the Wellington mayor and justifiably so. And good reason for it not to continue. You may know more about all of this than I do, but I find your support of Bowen puzzling, given his opposition to the inspector general.

Patricia Abbott, Royal Palm Beach