Letter: Unger: Priore’s ‘Devastation’ Is Overstated

[Former Wellington Councilman] Dr. Carmine Priore feels that shoving things down our throats is OK if it brings in tax money. Fortunately, the voters of Wellington didn’t agree and voted their beliefs.

Carmine recently stated in the Palm Beach Post, “It’s a devastating event… here was an opportunity for us to get a substantial tax base added to the community,” even though a majority of voters voted against those who tried to force their views on all of us.

Carmine’s term “devastating” is described in my dictionary: “To lay waste, war or fire… to confound… to crush.” Personally, I don’t see that.

Funny, earlier Carmine wanted to give away the K-Park property to an entity where the village would lose about $7 million and get no property taxes. Carmine has a history of things that I question, and if rumor is true, he is trying to get appointed to the State Ethics Committee.

Here is why it bothers me:

When I first arrived in Wellington, I noted that Carmine was on the Acme Board (which ran Wellington as we know it). He voted to take taxpayers’ money as an Acme official, and then as a Boys & Girls Club board member, accept the funds with his other hand. If that isn’t an ethics issue, what is? Of course we had no ethics board then, and this is only my opinion.

More recently, he appointed a family member to the most powerful committee in the village. This committee decides planning and zoning and then passes it to the council. I question the ethics of that. Granted, these are just my opinions.

Last, but just wrong, Carmine sat on the council that allowed Wellington Regional Medical Center to have a prohibited sign for years. Then when the sign said “now hiring,” it became an issue.

To resolve the issue, the council allowed the huge banner to remain (no one else in Wellington can have anything like it) by creating a special district/area. The sign, unlike every single sign in Wellington and in at least two violations, was permitted by the council, not the prevailing sign-responsibility committee, which was conveniently bypassed. I guess the adage “we are all equal, but some of us more so” prevails here.

No, Carmine, there is no “devastating,” only in your mind. The people voted, a more homeowner-friendly board is in place, and moderation will lead to the equestrians and our village board to come together on something other than a commercial/hotel over-development of our pristine equestrian preserve. Four-laning South Shore, a huge hotel and a huge commercial element does not benefit us unless taxes is all you care about, as you mentioned in your recent quote.

Cooler minds will prevail, the equestrians will probably get what they need, not what the developer wants, and our wonderful equestrian preserve will remain a preserve, for it is the jewel of Wellington, offering sport, green space and visiting equestrians that assist our businesses.

George Unger


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