Letter: All Hail Our New King

It was good to see that the new Wellington Village Council is fulfilling its obligation to Wellington’s own Super PAC. I had been concerned that they might actually do their job and represent the people of Wellington, but their recent actions have allayed my fears of that.

We keep hearing how out-of-state Super PACs are trying to influence congressional elections in Florida so that their party will gain control in the U.S. Senate. Well, at least our Super PAC is local — or is it? Could it be a one-man Super PAC who is a very wealthy part-time resident of Wellington? Well, who cares if he is only part time. He is now the king of Wellington with his own council, and how many communities actually have their own king? He was powerful enough to flood our mailboxes and phone lines with lies and innuendoes that defeated our prior mayor and two council candidates.

Who cares if only a small percentage of eligible voters actually voted, and who cares if his candidates won by only a small amount after recount. They don’t need the people of Wellington behind them when they have a king and his money and influence supporting them as long as they do his bidding and continually attack his enemy, the evil Wellington Equestrian Partners. I mean, what has Wellington Equestrian Partners done for Wellington, other than pour millions into the equestrian center and bring millions of dollars into the Wellington economy? How can you compare that to the temporary loan of a sports trophy to the village?

Yes, the new council must fulfill its obligation to protect king and castle. They must not allow anything that produces noise or traffic in the vicinity of his castle, even if it means tearing down the previously approved dressage center and making dressage riders go away from Wellington. I mean, who needs their money if it is going to upset our king? Yes, new Wellington Village Council, just keep fulfilling your obligations to our king since it appears that the residents of Wellington are too complacent to really care what you or he does anyway. You just need to pray that they don’t wake up and realize whom you really serve.

Paul Feuer


  1. Response to cash is king

    “Our tax dollars are supporting private companies, who pay low taxes to Wellington and claim they bring millions to our village.”
    How about the homestead exemption tax rate? Who is supporting whom? I don’t believe corporations get a bailout like Florida residents do. You take away the corporations and then see how much residents have to pay in taxes.
    “These millions stay within Mr. B’s pocket and a few others, not our community.”
    Are you saying that corporations have a duty to support others? If so you may have them mixed up with socialist governments that forcibly take from the rich and pass out free stuff to the ones who perhaps would rather have a good job working for one of those corporations. And socialist governments always go into bankruptcy. So get ready for the future austerity program in Wellington when corporations and farms leave.
    “So how’s the wealth being shared?”
    Most of us don’t want to share in the wealth of others, we are happy to live on what we earn; however meager. We are not envious of the successful businessman like Mr. “B” as you refer to him. I say God bless him if he can deal with the mountain of government regulations and high taxes.
    “They take out much more than they put in.”
    Give us the facts. What do they put in and how much do they take out?
    “These people socialize among themselves and avoid being a part of our community.”
    You don’t sound like you would want to socialize with “these people.”
    “Wellington is not Disney and should not be built up as if it was.”
    No, Wellington was a community friendly to equestrian ventures, but that may be changing, and what do you propose will be the wealth producer when and if equestrians decide to move north to a more hospitable town.
    “Too much of a good thing can become self destructive and destroy what we once loved.”
    What is it that you used to love?
    “Once it fails, what are we left with? We would be left with a very unhappy and divided community.”
    Actually you will end up with crime and dependence upon government. Just look what politicians have done to three cities 40 miles west of Wellington.

  2. Cash is King, but it doesn’t buy a vision nor happiness. Our tax dollars are supporting private companies, who pay low taxes to Wellington and claim they bring millions to our village. These millions stay within Mr. B’s pocket and a few others, not our community. So how’s the wealth being shared? They take out much more than they put in. These people socialize among themselves and avoid being a part of our community. Wellington is not Disney and should not be built up as if it was. Too much of a good thing can become self destructive and destroy what we once loved. Once it fails, what are we left with? We would be left with a very unhappy and divided community.

  3. John Greene is Neil Hirsch’s trained seal. What what Greene is getting from Hirsch and his Players Deathclub?

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