Letter: Neighbor Has No Problems With Dressage Facility

Editor’s note: The following letter is in response to last week’s letter “Jacobs Supports Dressage… With Conditions.” It is addressed to the Wellington Village Council. A copy was sent to the Town-Crier for publication.

Dear Council Members:

I find it hard to believe that the village has been forced into such a battle over something so vital to the community. Most towns would give their eyeteeth for the opportunity to have such a world-class facility and the revenue it brings to them. Instead, Wellington is throwing every possible obstacle at this developer who has done so much for the community.

I live on Polo Island Drive, directly across from the dressage facility. Once the construction slowed and the shows started, I never heard any more complaints. There were no traffic, noise, odor or light problems. One neighbor didn’t even realize that they were having night events, and most didn’t know whether there were horses in the barns. What more could you ask for?

Having read Lou Jacobs’ letter concerning restrictions that he wants placed on this facility, it is obvious that he feels he has enough control of the village council to request this. It is a blight on society to think that one family can exert so much control through the use of their great wealth. Why would he not want to allow jumper events? They have been going on there since the start of the polo club. Why restrict the use of the barns or move them? Let’s use them first and find out if there is a problem. Let’s operate the facility and see what complaints we get before applying so many restrictions that the owner can’t afford to keep it going.

Why create a problem when there is none? Let’s not force any more lawsuits. Let’s assist Mark Bellissimo in completing this wonderful facility and let it operate within the regular village ordinances. My wife and I are perfectly happy living beside it. If problems arise, you can adjust as you go.

Bob Bushey