Letter: Fred Pinto The Right Choice

My fellow citizens, each of us has a chance to make a difference in the lives of people in our community, our beloved home, Royal Palm Beach. Yes, I am speaking of stepping up and making your voice heard as you rally together with friends and neighbors to vote to keep our current Vice Mayor Fred Pinto in office. Ten years of dedicated service to Royal Palm Beach makes Fred the perfect choice to continue to lead us into the future.

Voting for Fred says, “Yes, I want to live in a community where my personal safety is a priority.” It has been six years since he helped us achieve that goal by enlisting the expertise of the sheriff’s office. This transition to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office decreased the response time for 911 calls and saved taxpayers money. Well-trained officers patrol our major roads and neighborhoods, helping us to maintain the tranquility that makes Royal Palm Beach so unique. Thank you, Fred Pinto, for helping us feel more safe in this age of danger and violence!

Voting for Fred says, “Yes, I appreciate the beautiful parks that I can use to enjoy quality time with my family.” Families who live in smaller residences are able to plan gatherings where all can enjoy fresh air and open space. Fred, a devoted dad who has coached his son’s teams, helped make it possible for our children to pursue a multitude of sports activities without ever having to leave the village. In addition, many village events that foster community pride and unity are held in these recreational facilities. Veterans Day, the Fourth of July and the annual holiday tree-lighting ceremony are among some of the occasions celebrated in our parks. The newest addition to this list, Commons Park, will be opening March 2. We are the envy of many communities whose vacant land has been turned into strip malls and housing that contributes to overcrowding. Thank you, Fred Pinto, for preserving the magnificent beauty that made Royal Palm Beach our first choice for an exceptional standard of living!

Voting for Fred says, “Yes, I take pride in our neighborhood schools and am thankful that our young people can be recognized for their academic success and extracurricular achievements.” While Bright Futures Scholarships have diminished and become increasingly more difficult to attain, the village scholarships for students increased in number and dollar amounts during Fred’s years of service on the council. Thank you, Fred Pinto, for putting our children first!

Voting for Fred says, “Yes, I’m grateful that my family and I are able to continue my daily activities during and after heavy rains while some of my less fortunate neighbors are stranded and unable to access the basic necessities.” Under Fred’s urging, the village initiated a new storm water drainage management policy. The safety, convenience and well-being of our citizens have been improved by this decision. Thank you, Fred Pinto, for helping our community to fare well in the face of very difficult situations.

Voting for Fred says, “Yes, I have experienced far less traffic on my daily commute as a result of the State Road 7 extension. Less time on the roads equals more time with family. In the event of an evacuation, greater public safety would be ensured with additional access and exit routes. Thank you, Fred Pinto, for helping to alleviate a major transportation issue in our community.

Join me in saying thank you to Fred for his years of dedicated to service to the families of Royal Palm Beach. Say “Yes, I love my community; yes, I love the small-town feel it has; yes, I love Royal Palm Beach — yes, on March 12, I will vote for Fred Pinto for Council Seat 4!”

Shirley Palmer
Royal Palm Beach