Letter: Working To Keep Wellington Great

As a former mayor of the Village of Wellington and a 32-year resident, I would like thank the Town-Crier for your editorial (Frustrations Are Real, But ‘Deannexation’ Is Not The Solution, March 1), and to George Unger, Joseph Manning and Macie Michelson for their recent letters to the editor in the Town-Crier. Your letters certainly hit the nail on the head and spoke volumes about how great a community the Village of Wellington really is.

Wellington is known as a great hometown for all the amenities it has to offer, both to the existing and new residents. Our athletic facilities and fields, our schools, our walking and equestrian trails, our many programs that include tiny tots to seniors, neighborhood playgrounds, cultural programs, special community events, the Boys & Girls Club, volunteer programs, Earth Day, the Egg Hunt, Fall Festival and the list goes on…

Our village staff has always provided excellent service to all residents on a daily basis. They are dedicated to following rules and regulations, requiring permits, inspections and procedures that have been set forth by village policy as established by village councils throughout the years. Everyone is required to abide by these established rules, regulations and procedures since their inception — with no exceptions.

It seems very clear to me as to why so many people have chosen Wellington to live, play and enjoy a way of life that appeals to everyone. When we moved to Wellington in 1981, the population was about 7,500 residents. Today the population is around 57,000. Obviously, there must be something right about calling Wellington our home. I’m proud to be a longtime resident; elected to the first village council and first elected mayor. It is with great pride that I continue to work to keep our Wellington the premier community it was back then and what it still exemplifies today.

Tom Wenham, Executive Director
Wellington Preservation Coalition


  1. Tom does not mention he is now a paid lobbyist of the Jacobs family who are trying to reverse all the progress that has been made to make the horse shows available and attractive to families.

    The elitists want it to be their private club.

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