Letter: Who Is Behind K-Park Plan?

There was a presentation given to the Wellington Village Council concerning a possible development of K-Park. On its face it seems to be a good idea — a new hotel, a stadium, equestrian activities of various kinds. It would be a boon to the economy of the village and Palm Beach County.

But I have to wonder about some other proposals in the recent past. I recall an Equestrian Village plan that had similar features. That plan was decimated by newly elected council members backed by the Wellington Equestrian Preservation Alliance.

The new K-Park plan was presented by Jack Van Dell, “a spokesman for the group putting together the plan,” according to the media. Mr. Van Dell has been prominent in support of the alliance, whose board president is Louis M. Jacobs.

Would anyone care to guess whether the K-Park proposal will be favorably viewed by Mayor Bob Margolis, Councilman John Greene and Councilman Matt Willhite?

Phil Sexton, Wellington