Letter: Don’t Move The Tennis Courts

Editor’s note: The following letter is addressed to the Wellington Village Council and Village Manager Paul Schofield. A copy was sent to the Town-Crier for publication.

Dear Mr. Schofield and Council Members:

I realize that I am writing this late and should have gone to your council meeting a couple of weeks ago. I have an idea that may not have been considered and some thoughts I want to share.

A municipal office building is not what makes the town center a showpiece for Wellington to most of us. The building on Greenbriar was not town center. When I show visitors Wellington, I show them the amphitheater, which turned out to be a wonderful addition, the Wellington Club building, the fantastic swimming complex with the water park, the tennis facilities and the seasonal green market.

There is also the community park and nature preserve on Pierson and smaller community parks. The hub on Forest Hill is a place where children and families could walk or bike to, where family members could swim, play tennis, watch a movie or concert or any combination, and even buy fresh vegetables, plants and snacks. It promises to get even better with an expanded club building with more activities for seniors and kids. Youth tennis, swim lessons, a summer day camp with safe, supervised activities are all available and convenient. Swimming and tennis on the same campus was wonderful.

Moving the tennis courts to the farthest reaches of Wellington is unfortunate. I understand that there is concern about parking in the present facility, the need for a few more courts, plans to rebuild a larger community building, etc. This translates into a need for more space.

I have an idea that might be considered. A parking garage, like the one at Wellington Regional Medical Center, can be built where the present parking facilities are or, further back in the area where the old building being demolished stands with the new building moved to where the parking presently is. This would ease the parking situation, allow space for expansion and keep the courts where they are.

I know you have been working hard on finding a solution and putting in a lot of time, but I wish you would readdress the issue. Keep the tennis courts and find a way to keep things located so the town center would continue to be a vibrant, multi-functional, convenient, family-friendly hub. Thank you for your attention.

Harvey A. Klein, Wellington