Letter: A Flawed Candidate

I read with interest your recent profile of Wellington Village Council candidate Sharon Lascola (Seat 2: Sharon Lascola to Challenge Gerwig, Jan. 17). The article pointed out that Ms. Lascola originally moved to Wellington in 1980 and is a 26-year, full-time resident of Wellington. The article also said she moved away to Central Florida in 2005 and only recently returned to Wellington in 2012 — not a great selling point for someone running for the council.

More telling is what the article didn’t say. Here are some facts. Despite moving here in 1980, Ms. Lascola didn’t even register to vote until 1995 — that’s 15 years later! Even more disappointing, she has not voted in a village election in the past 11 years. In fact, she has only voted in one village election in the past 15 years. And, in all that time, Ms. Lascola has had limited involvement in our community.

Thomas Jefferson said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” While I admire Ms. Lascola’s willingness to enter public office, I believe she should get more involved in our community before running for the Wellington Village Council.

Jack Mancini, Wellington


  1. So here’s what’s really funny about this . . . Jack Mancini is, himself, NOT REGISTERED TO VOTE IN WELLINGTON.

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