Letter: Student Wants To Save WCS High School

I have been attending Wellington Christian School since I was in kindergarten. Being a sophomore now and being so close to graduating, the news of closing the high school shocked me as well as many others.

I am devastated, but I am willing to do as much as I can to keep WCS high school open for many years to come. I love attending this school, and it is too valuable to lose. The relationships I have made throughout the years, not only with my classmates but with my teachers and the faculty working at WCS, are incredible. The teachers are devoted to teaching us and actually care about the students.

The school means so much to so many people. All I want is to be able to graduate from the school that has taught me so much and has strengthened my relationship with Christ, and for students who come after me to have the same chance as I have had. We need help from individuals and businesses in our community who understand that school choice for students in Wellington is important and who also may be able to help us get over this urgent short-term hurdle to save our high school and ensure there is a plan in place to keep our school open for students for years to come.

Mckennie Peters, Royal Palm Beach