Letter: Stop Spending Money On War

I’m glad to see our elected leaders in Washington have approved a plan to allow the federal government to spend money through 2014. I was particularly pleased to see that Congress has restored some money for Head Start and other investments in the health of our communities and has refused to give the Pentagon all the money that it was asking for.

Congress now has an opportunity to use the regular legislative process to debate and pass a budget that reflects the moral priorities of our nation. Although the U.S. military engagement in Afghanistan is winding down, our country is still spending almost as much on war as we spent at the height of the Cold War or Vietnam.

I hope our U.S. Senators, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, will work in the next two years to support further cuts in the Pentagon budget and additional investments to meet the needs of our struggling communities at home.

Morley Schloss, Loxahatchee Groves