Letter: WCS Senior Supports School

I am a senior at Wellington Christian School and have been going there since I was in the first grade. WCS, for me, is a learning environment where you are free to express your opinions and beliefs.

Not only does Wellington Christian School provide students with this freedom, but also offers a unique teacher-student relationship that most other schools cannot provide. This makes Wellington Christian School a loving environment that provides one of the best educational experiences that a student can ever have. So when I heard that my high school was shutting down, I became worried about my underclassmen not being able to obtain this unique educational experience.

I have been lucky to be a student at WCS for most of my life and want others to have the same opportunity as I did. The academic and moral standards set by Wellington Christian School are some of the most critical parts to a successful education. Please help Wellington Christian High School maintain its mission to provide students with spiritual and academic excellence.

Kaden Connolly, Royal Palm Beach