Letter: Martha Webster A Great Leader

When we were young, we had the pleasure to be involved in the 4-H Program under the directorship of Martha Webster. During our time there, 4-H was a program full of possibilities and endless opportunities for the youth in our county. This was mostly due to Mrs. Webster and her ability to develop and promote youth programs across different fields of interest.

Whether your interest ranged from animals (with involvement in the South Florida Fair and coordinating workshops) to public speaking (the Tropicana Public Speaking Contest and clinics to improve your skills) or something in between, Mrs. Webster always provided for the youth in our community. She was always professional and sought out ways to make “the best, even better.”

Mrs. Webster was a mentor to many 4-H members and their families. She was always there to lend a hand or help guide us beyond the realm of 4-H, such as encouraging my sister and I to write for the Observer newspaper.

Mrs. Webster is an individual who we admire and respect. She is always professional and seeks to improve the lives of those around her. It is a pleasure to know Martha Webster. She is someone our community needs.

Elizabeth and Taylor Braunworth, Loxahatchee Groves