Letter: Keep Mayor Matty Mattioli

I recently attended the Royal Palm Beach Candidates Forum hosted by the Town-Crier. As a long-time resident of the village, I am familiar with the history and issues associated with leadership in our community. It was clear that one candidate stood out as a true representative of the people. That person is incumbent Mayor Matty Mattioli, who repeatedly stated that his platform was what the residents want.

To paraphrase him, our mayor stated that what the people want is what he is for and what they do not want, he stands with them. In my view, that is exactly the role of a public servant: to use his experience and know-how to assure that his constituents are heard and their wishes complied with.

Furthermore, most will agree that Mayor Mattioli’s experience is extensive, with his having served on the council, followed by two terms as mayor. Some of the other candidates have never even served on the council, thereby lacking experience in village leadership.

Mayor Mattioli has kept his promise to keep our property taxes low and has been at the helm in the creation of Commons Park, a showcase for the area. Those of us who live in communities surrounding the former water treatment plant and H.L. Johnson Elementary School have repeatedly voiced concerns about how that parcel of land will be developed. Mayor Mattioli has assured us that he will support only residential development with a small park in that area. He agrees with us residents that commercial development there would pose considerable danger to our children and create a traffic mess.

He is a strong supporter of the inspector general, despite continuing efforts by some municipalities to sabotage the work of that office. He knows that honest government is the only way to protect and serve the best interests of all the people. During his administration, our village paid our fair share in support of the inspector general’s office.

Mayor Mattioli has the support and endorsement of County Commissioner Jess Santamaria, who has been an outspoken champion for the people of this area for a very long time. The Professional Firefighters & Paramedics of Palm Beach County and the Palm Beach County Police Benevolent Association, our heroes and rescuers in times of need, value Mayor Mattioli’s leadership and also have given him their endorsements. These speak clearly to the high regard and trust our public servants have for our mayor. There should be no question about who is the right person to lead our village; it is the same person who has done such a good job for the past four years.

My fellow Royal Palm Beach residents, I urge you to join me in voting to continue the good leadership we have. Go to the polls on March 11 and vote to keep Mayor Matty Mattioli for another term!

Arlene Olinsky, Royal Palm Beach