Pierce Hammock Elementary School Hosts Spelling Bee

Pierce Hammock Elementary School in The Acreage was buzzing with excitement on Friday, Jan. 24 as 27 fourth-grade and fifth-grade students and their families assembled in the cafeteria for the school’s annual spelling bee. The students prepared for months, and the competitors were strong spellers. After many rounds, a champion speller shined through. Colton King, a fifth-grader, took home the win. The first runner-up was Brady Machado, also a fifth-grade student, and the second runner-up was Brody Holland, a fourth-grader. King and Machado will represent Pierce Hammock at the local area spelling bee on Feb. 20 at St. Andrews School in Boca Raton. Shown here is Holland, King and Machado with their trophies.

ABOVE: Pierce Hammock Elementary School in The Acreage was buzzing with excitement on Friday, Jan. 24 as 27 fourth-grade and fifth-grade students and their families assembled in the cafeteria for the school’s annual spelling bee. The students prepared for months, and the competitors were strong spellers. After many rounds, a champion speller shined through. Colton King, a fifth-grader, took home the win. The first runner-up was Brady Machado, also a fifth-grade student, and the second runner-up was Brody Holland, a fourth-grader. King and Machado will represent Pierce Hammock at the local area spelling bee on Feb. 20 at St. Andrews School in Boca Raton. Shown here is Holland, King and Machado with their trophies.