Letter: An Opportunity To Heal The Community

For the first time in its history, the Wellington Chamber of Commerce is terminating the membership of an individual. Dr. Marcia Radosevich’s inappropriate Hitler comments and salute earlier this month have outraged much of Palm Beach County. Also, we are asking Councilman Matt Willhite to apologize to this community for not supporting the village staff, misleading the community as to its options to remove Dr. Radosevich, and to discontinue his anti-business, anti-equestrian agenda that has led to a great divisiveness in this community over the last two years. Let us explain:

The entire community was shocked last week by the absolutely horrendous actions of Dr. Radosevich, a member of the Planning, Zoning & Adjustment Board. Dr. Radosevich’s comparison of a talented and hardworking member of the village staff, Tim Stillings, a husband and father, to the most heinous individual in history, Adolph Hitler, was insensitive, inexcusable and an embarrassment to the citizens of this community.

However, some of us were not surprised, since her actions were a direct reflection of the angst injected into the Village of Wellington as a result of the election of two years ago, fueled by outside money and a campaign of untrue and unsubstantiated allegations.

The Wellington Chamber of Commerce is proud to have responded by immediately calling for her resignation. The community response was overwhelming — her actions were not acceptable here in Wellington. The only question we have is who asked her to stay on?

It is hard to understand how a public employee like firefighter Matt Willhite could possibly appoint someone to an important quasi-judicial government board who was so unapologetically anti-public employee. The attitude of Dr. Radosevich and others who have been appointed by the winners of that election brought their misguided election angst with them. Over the course of the past two years, it was the village staff that suffered the direct wounds delivered by these appointees. Wellington is fortunate to have an excellent staff, yet in the past two years, they have spent too much time answering for decisions made in the past and being unnecessarily victimized by appointees like Dr. Radosevich, who are doing the bidding of the elected officials who appointed them.

It’s time for that behavior to stop. It’s time for the village to come together, move forward as a united community and leave the issues of the past in the past. Our elected officials need to cut the cord with those who seek to control every aspect of our government from afar.

With the conclusion of the recent election, the voters of Wellington have spoken clearly against further angst and divisive battles. Both Councilwoman Anne Gerwig and Vice Mayor Howard Coates won handily over their handpicked opponents, who were funded and supported by unknown and unnamed outside sources for their own political motivations, even though they dared to speak out and against what has been going on for the past two years.

Let’s take the opportunity to begin the process of bringing all of Wellington back together and put all of this fighting behind us. First, the council should “accept” Dr. Radosevich’s resignation immediately and without qualification. Next, Mr. Willhite now has the opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to moving forward and bringing this community out from the cesspool of political angst and appoint someone to this important position whose sole objective should be the best interests of the citizens of Wellington, and not to browbeat, embarrass and harass our municipal employees.

Instead, appoint someone friendly to the equestrian community, someone who lives here full time and understands the needs of this community and who grasps its issues firmly, and someone committed to working with our village staff and not beating them up.

The overwhelming mission of the Wellington Chamber of Commerce is to work for the prosperity and betterment of Wellington. Now is Mr. Willhite’s chance to join us in that goal. We all look forward to an appointment designed to heal rather than continue to divide. Mr. Willhite, the next move is yours.

Victor Connor, President, Wellington Chamber of Commerce


  1. Wrong! Wellington Staff, including Mr. Stillings, have their own agenda when it comes to deciding what is correct for us. Stillings is known for his “non answer – answers”. Listen to him go in complete circles without giving a direct answer. Schoffield taught him well.
    PS…I like our new Tennis Center location and can’t wait for its completion.

  2. Ms Radosevich has requested 15 minutes to address the Wellington Council at its meeting on Tuesday, March 25th.

    Let’s hope she will not continue to blame Mr. Stilling and staff for her behavior, as she did in her letter of resignation (Radosevich should have just said she was, ‘frustrated’, period; instead of once again pointing a finger at staff!).

    There was just 1 item on the agenda at this Planning and Zoning meeting. Mr. Stillings and staff endured 4 hours of harangue on just this 1 item, all the while keeping their composure, under the unrelenting, dogged, hostile questioning.

    Someone should review the videotape of that 4 hour meeting and count how many minutes Ms. Radosevich (and also, appointee Ms Coleman, who displayed much more decorum in her questioning) dominated those 4 hours of unending questioning of staff; compared to other appointees on the committee). It’s not just this particular meeting that Ms Radosevich has displayed such scorn for staff and administration, but at previous meetings also. She is a bully.

    It is once again, the offender blaming others for the offender’s behavior.

    Ms Radosevich needs to stop trying to defend her actions and just apologize for HER offensive words and action. And for that matter, following Mr. Stillings responding, “wow, wow” to Radosevich’s verbal assault and bullying on the audio/video tape; one can hear further, Ms Radosevich saying, “alright, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go” as though ready to continue to harrass and engage in further fighting and bullying from her position of power on the dias and in the wealthy equestrian community.

    It appears Ms Radosevich is too obsessed and prejudiced to serve on any committee in Wellington. She just loses control of her words and actions.

    Kudos to Mr. Stillings, who will unfortuantely, now and in the future, be associated with this incident. Let’s hope that, when and if, he leaves his Wellington employment, Ms Radosevich’s behavior does not hamper or tarnish his ability to find other jobs. Mr. Stilling is not a multi millionaire, he needs employment to support his family.

    Ms. Radosevich needs to spend her fifteen minutes, apologizing and recognizing and commending Mr. Stillings for his professional behavior under her hostile demeanor at this meeting and previous meetings.

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