Letter: Fight The Foreign Intruder

Those of us living here in Palm Beach County’s western communities chose to settle here for a number of reasons. For some it was the small-town feel of Royal Palm Beach. For others it was the rural environment of Loxahatchee and The Acreage, where their kids could grow up surrounded by green space and raising the animals they love.

However, all of that is being threatened by outsiders who are attempting to decide the future of our beloved western communities.

First among these intruders is a foreign company, Minto Inc., a large Canadian corporation. It purchased the 3,791 acres formerly known as Callery-Judge Grove, agricultural land that was once allowed 380 homes and no commercial development. Using political connections in Tallahassee, that got increased to almost 3,000 homes and 235,000 square feet of commercial building.

Greed didn’t end there. The company is now using its political clout with the Palm Beach County government to further increase the density to 6,500 homes and 1.4 million square feet of commercial development.

Second among the outsiders are the residents of Dade and Broward counties, Cocoa Beach and other communities deceptively hired by Minto to occupy seats during public meetings to pretend they support Minto’s attempts to increase density to 6,500 homes and 1.4 million square feet of commercial buildings. These pretenders have been observed tossing their “Yes to Minto” shirts in the trash after the meetings. These outsiders don’t live in our area, don’t know the issues but do like the money Minto pays them.

Third, the Canadian corporation (Minto) is now working on getting at least four Palm Beach County commissioners, whose districts are outside of the western communities, to approve of its outrageous proposal. And given that some on the Palm Beach County Commission appear to be ignoring the unanimous vote of their own planning commission to deny Minto any further expansion beyond the already approved 3,000 homes, one could speculate that some past and future campaigns have seen and likely will see financing from Minto, its paid lobbyists, consultants, lawyers and others.

We in the western communities refuse to accept this betrayal; we demand the right to decide on our own future.

Arlene Olinsky, Royal Palm Beach


  1. wē pronoun
    used by a speaker to refer to himself or herself and one or more other people considered together.

    Arlene, Based on this definition of WE, I give you permission to use the term because I also agree with you. And believe it or not, ELizaT there are many others that also agree with US.

  2. Stop using the term WE. YOU DO NOT SPEAK for ME, nor anyone else but yourself.

    And also stop with unsubstantiated rumors and innuendos.

    That ploy has, and will continue, to make you look trivial.

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