Letter: Manure Transfer Station Sites A Bad Idea

In your issue of Feb. 13-19, “Our Opinion” stated that it was good that Gov. Rick Scott announced his goal to commit $5 billion toward Everglades restoration over the next 20 years. It was also stated that it will take a far more concerted effort to get the job done.

I would love to see in your “Our Opinion” column what you feel about the manure transfer station proposed by Wellington Village Council members and Wellington employees.

In the Town-Crier of Nov. 7-13, it was reported that two of the locations for the facility are off of Flying Cow Road.

At this time, the information has it that they are both adjacent to the Everglades restoration STA-1E that is also off of Flying Cow Road in southwest Wellington. The STA-1E was constructed to cleanse the C-51 Canal water as it moves through the large acreage in a southerly direction removing contaminates. The cleansed water would then leave the filter marsh to continue in a southerly direction toward the Florida Bay. Fantastic idea. Now, with the proposed manure storage facility, the two possible locations on Flying Cow Road are on the southerly end of the filter marsh.

Are we playing a dangerous game to see how long it will take for the testing of the water at the south end to show that contamination is up? Who will be financially responsible to correct this issue? Once again, will it fall on the taxpayers of Wellington, or just on the council members and the Wellington employees who make this decision? Will they also deal with the smells, flies and airborne diseases and trucks, small and large, to move this combination of hay, shavings, urine and manure?

These two locations are adjacent to Palm Beach Point, the Aero Club, the Rustic Ranches development, two wonderful parks open to the public and close to Binks Forest. How will these lives be effected?

Does this sound like a common-sense approach? Should we notify Gov. Rick Scott before he allocates more money into the stormwater treatment areas? So many questions. What’s your opinion? I value it.

June Pigadis, Wellington