Letter: RPB Is At A Crossroads

Royal Palm Beach is at a crossroads, and like many other residents, I was complacent too long, assuming it would improve through intelligent and astute decisions by the council.

If we want a sustainable community that attracts young people, blue-collar and white-collar workers, and families who are interested in a healthy environment for their children, then we are going in the wrong direction. If we want a community that offers services for the elderly, or for those with physical impairments, then we are going in the wrong direction. If we want a community with open spaces, and without a radical increase in traffic, then we are going in the wrong direction.

If these are your concerns, then you should be aware that the council is on a rampage by lowering requirements for living space, parking, road traffic and a host of other issues that will affect our daily lives.

My opponent, Jeff Hmara, touts experience; however, one should not confuse experience with longevity. He has been around for a long time. And I ask, “What experience?” It did not include any village advisory boards or community work prior to his becoming an elected official. If Jeff Hmara’s background was so extensive, why did Royal Palm Beach deem it crucial to send him to school at the cost of $1,800-plus of taxpayers’ expense to learn about being an elected official?

Fresh energy with a different perspective is required. Why are we drowning in overdevelopment and high impact changes to our village that are radically changing what brought us here? We were once honored as one of the best 10 towns in America for families — now we are going in the opposite direction. It is criminal to continue down the same path.

Instead of just being just a critic, I decided to become an active contributor and solve the concerns that are now challenging our village.

I bring financial experience as CEO and CFO of my own successful company. I bring governing experience serving my community. I am ready to serve on day one without any course in government, and I will make decisions with your help that keep our family neighborhoods.

Lenore White, Royal Palm Beach

Editor’s note: Ms. White is a candidate for Royal Palm Beach Village Council.


  1. I support any candidate that is open, fair, and honest. It is time for real change. This election has been a dog fight by the encumbants and big developers resisting any change in the council. It worries me what must be going on behind closed doors. Clean house and the women know how to do it best!

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