Letter: Fix Roads In The Groves

The roads in Loxahatchee Groves are the worst they have ever been. The town took responsibility of the roads from the district and has no equipment or money allocated in the budget to maintain or properly fix the dirt roads. We have improper management. The water control district is no longer maintaining the roads since turning them over to the town but has the equipment. The equipment is going to be sold at an auction in Orlando. This is wrong! The taxpayers paid for that equipment and now so desperately needs the equipment to maintain the dirt roads.

The equipment should not be sold. Either it should be turned over to the town or the district should work with the town to maintain these dirt roads until OGEM or asphalt can be put on the roads. Many of the roads need fill brought in, which for years has not been put on by the water control district. All the residents are being affected by these petty, infighting decisions of both boards. All the elected officials are supposed to work for the greater good of the residents, but Loxahatchee Groves residents are not seeing any of that.

Election for council members will be coming up in March, but new members will not solve these problems. A new town budget won’t come up until we are into hurricane season. It is time to take action! Voice your opinion! The residents need to tell the water control district council to reverse their decision and do not sell the equipment. The council needs to be told that the residents don’t like the decisions that are being made. Let your voice be heard. An emergency meeting needs to be held!

Marianne Miles, Loxahatchee Groves