Letter: Martha Webster For Family Values

Although I no longer live in Royal Palm Beach having just recently moved, I lived in the community for 35 years and still consider it my village. Through the years that I lived there, Martha Webster served as one of the most dedicated council members that I have ever witnessed. To Martha, always the residents of the village came first. She served them by careful listening and forming working discussion groups when important decisions needed to be made. An example is when she organized the wastewater treatment plant workshops that allowed all points of view from a wide group of residents from all over the village to present a plan of their choosing to the council.

She showed leadership when she worked with the surrounding municipalities and the chamber of commerce to intelligently fight for the extension of State Road 7, and her determination in continuing the fight for Roebuck Road before the county commission. She was an outstanding ambassador when she represented the village residents as a board member on the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the League of Cities and the Metropolitan Planning Organization, where she worked to get a permanent RPB member to that board.

This is a time when ethical values are on the line for Royal Palm Beach, and Martha Webster has stepped up to give the village voters a choice when there would have been no other. The village is at a crossroads. Do the voters really believe that their public officials should be above reproach and act in ethical, moral ways that represent the community? This is what the voters must decide; will they restore the family values that our village has always stood for by electing Martha Webster? I cannot vote in your election, but I am asking all my village friends, business associates and former neighbors to stand tall and vote for Martha Webster on March 13.

Marcia Berwick, Lake Worth