Letter: Traffic Calming On La Mancha Avenue

In the May 4 Town-Crier, I read with great interest about the plans for traffic calming on La Mancha Avenue (Residents Review La Mancha Traffic Calming Plan). Since I travel from time to time on Sandpiper Avenue, I am quite happy with the success of traffic calming on this street. The residents have Ryan Greener and Lori McHale to thank for their tireless efforts to get this done, thereby making it a much safer road.

I remind the mayor about the counting of responses of the votes that a ballot not returned, for any reason, is considered a null vote, not a no vote, as you tried to do with the Sandpiper Avenue project. The only tallies you can record are those responses physically returned indicating either yes or No. Anything less than this will be a disservice to the residents living on La Mancha Avenue.

William St. Cyr, Royal Palm Beach