Letter: Support LGWCD Dependency

I would like to express the importance of the Loxahatchee Groves Water Control District becoming dependent. Typically, when municipalities are formed, if there is an independent district, that district becomes dependent to the municipality during the incorporation process. Unfortunately, there were LGWCD board members at the time of the incorporation of Loxahatchee Groves who wanted to stay in power. Because of this, they fought to remain independent and lobbied against incorporation.

Since incorporation, some of these individuals have attempted to sabotage the town. They have purposely created financial ruin for not only the district, but the town itself. They have consistently budgeted to spend more than the amount of revenue collected. Simply look at what happened during the budget process of the town for 2017-18, as well as the reserves the district depleted in less than three years. A very systematic process to negatively affect the residents and landowners for defying them by daring to incorporate!

The district was left with road-grading equipment that was essentially scrap metal and no funds to replace it. This took place while the town supplemented the district with $2,000,000 since incorporation that was supposed to be dedicated to improving our roads. Look at the roads throughout our town and ask yourself, where did this money go? The district stabilized four road segments at the 100 percent cost borne on the residents of those roads. These roads are destroyed, with many years left for landowners to pay for them.

With the district becoming dependent, the two separate entities can work as one to better our roads, preserve what brought us here in the first place and protect our unique community for future generations.

The good people of this town must unite against this tyranny and vote for the LGWCD to become dependent. Continue voting for people who are not trying to destroy this great home of ours, affectionately known as “The Groves.”

Please vote June 25 for dependency. If you cannot make it in person, I would be happy to act as your proxy and vote on your behalf. Please call me to arrange this, and help the healing we so desperately need.

Todd McLendon, Loxahatchee Groves

Editor’s note: Mr. McLendon is a member of the Loxahatchee Groves Town Council.