Letter: President Trump’s UK Protest

President Donald Trump’s United Kingdom visit saw the largest protest ever against a foreign leader. He is extremely unpopular in the UK, for obvious reasons. The British see him an as abhorrent, racist and repulsive. Despite this fact, they should show respect for the high office he holds.

The UK is America’s closest ally, and the protest by tens of thousands up and down the country was not against America, nor even the Republican Party. It was personal; it was all about Mr. Trump.

He has criticized the London knife attack, saying that if all Brits had guns, it would never have happened.

He has repeatedly voiced his dislike for Muslims, said blacks are lazy, Mexicans are drug dealers and rapist, not to mention degrading women.

Points to note: the mayor of London is a Muslim, and so too, is the home secretary, the son of an immigrant Pakistani bus driver. Several top cops and chief constables are women, and so is the prime minister. So, its little wonder that the protesters showed such hostility towards Mr. Trump, especially the women’s groups.

Mr. Trump refused to attend the opening of the new American embassy in London, stating that the Obama Administration sold the old embassy building for far less than it was worth. The building was sold by the Bush Administration, and Mr. Trump knows it.

So, it comes as no surprise to see such outpouring of resentment of this president.

Regardless of one’s political persuasion, we have to agree that unlike us Americans, the Brits are not prepared to overlook Mr. Trump’s arrogant, ridiculous, loquacious rhetoric. He praises our enemies one day, belittles them the next, then goes to meet with them.

Meeting with these world leaders that are of dubious character should remind us all that a leopard cannot change its spots, and neither can a skunk change its smell.

God bless America.

Karl Witter, The Acreage