Letter: Elect Sara Alejicewz To County Court

I want you all to know what a wonderful chance we have to elect Sara Alejicewz to our county court bench.

I have known Sara and her husband Alex for more than 25 years. She is a hardworking lady who puts family, friends and fellow citizens first in her priorities. Sara became a lawyer while raising a young family and left the medical field to aspire to become an attorney and rose over many years, solving family domestic disputes to become a magistrate for our county.

Her many years of experience solving and mediating domestic situations is exactly what we need on our court system as a compassionate, caring and honest judge.

She will be able to solve complex situations with a caring and compassionate reasoning for good outcomes.

It is my pleasure to ask you to support and gather neighbors and friends to do the same and vote for Sara for judge on Tuesday, Aug. 28.

Our nation is founded on the people’s vote, so get out and exercise it in our wonderful nation.

Al Paglia, Wellington

Editor’s note: Mr. Paglia is a former member of the Wellington Village Council.