I was at a meeting the other day and met a gentleman who said he was running for the North Palm Beach County Improvement District. That sent up a red flag, since they are delaying the start of construction on State Road 7 by not issuing a permit, but instead of attacking him, we had a good debate.
He said he was for no roads, as it would hurt the catchment area and the environment. I then started to educate him on the error of his beliefs. The City of West Palm Beach first stated that it would affect endangered species and then pollution.
These statements are incorrect, as Ibis already has a portion of SR 7 just to the east between Ibis and the catchment area, and you can see cars, trucks, construction and delivery vehicles coming and going from their back gate, making full use of the road and have not complained that they may hurt endangered species or pollute the catchment area or environment.
Also, the catchment area has Northlake running through the middle of it on the north side. Jog Road, a garbage dump and an incinerator on the east side, SR 7 from Okeechobee to 60th Street North on the west, and I-95 running between the catchment area and the water treatment plant. Plus, Ibis had signed an agreement when they received their building permit to build SR 7 where it is scheduled to go.
Upon finishing our discussion, he said that he was impressed on how much I knew and was informed on the issue. We agreed if we both are elected, we would work together to come to an agreement that would be beneficial to all concerned.
So, in closing, if all sides were more educated, informed and worked together, the SR 7 issue would have already been solved and all the tax dollars wasted spent on much-more-needed services.
Keith Jordano, The Acreage
Editor’s note: Mr. Jordano is a candidate for the Indian Trail Improvement District Board of Supervisors.